CaSSOA New Member Story

Having recently welcomed a number of new caravan storage sites as members of CaSSOA, we wanted to find out about their experience. Here's what they had to say...

Stuart Marshall of Stirling Storage Solutions Ltd

Stirling Storage - Caravan Storage Scotland

Site size: 100+ caravans and motorhomes

Site accreditation: Platinum

Where did  you hear about CaSSOA: From our customers

Why did you decide to move into caravan storage? : Following the setup of a successful self-storage site.

How did you find the process of joining CaSSOA? :  A seamless and well structured process.

What are the main benefits of being a member of CaSSOA for you? : It allows us to assess our facility and ensure the best facilities and security for our customers.

Karen Johnson of Applewood Countryside Park

Site size: We can hold 80 undercover caravans and approximately 100 externally.

Site accreditation: Silver

Applewood Countryside Park


Where did  you hear about CaSSOA: Through caravan storage owners asking if we had it so that they could get discount on their insurance.

Why did you decide to move into caravan storage? : We've been doing it for years as a service for our camping guests, but have now moved it from the open air to undercover storage.

How did you find the process of joining CaSSOA? :  Very easy and straightforward.

What are the main benefits of being a member of CaSSOA for you? : Discounts for our storage holders on their insurance, good for marketing/promoting the storage, good to see how our security compares to our competitors.

If you're thinking about diversifying into caravan storage, or already run a caravan storage site, and want to find out more about becoming a member of CaSSOA, please get in touch!

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